Sunday, June 17, 2012

                                     PARENT   (from Sunday Scribbles)

My Dad was a farmer and after 2 girls and no boys until I was eight, he made a farmer of me.
By the time I'd ran the tractor in the slough, caught the cultivator between two poles, ran the disc up on the tractor wheel, buried the tractor in the mud, I'm sure he regretted it.
His saying was "Pray for rain, but keep hoeing." And we did. He made work fun. If I had it to do all over again, I'd do it.
Happy Father's Day, Dad, up in heaven plowing that straight furrow.


  1. A lovely, humorous tribute. And thanks for your visit!

  2. I hear all that, Kay, never had to do much besides helping with haying, but was brought up in northeast farm country and I feel the love big time!

  3. We learn by our mistakes and his stoicism was admirable at these times. A beautiful post.

  4. Beautiful tribute to your dad. Thanks for the laugh. I am a farm girl and I can relate to the problems that can arise (and the fun).

  5. great that he made work fun so you could grow up to love him

    defining mama one

    verification makes it really hard to comment. you'd get more comments if you turned it off. i had to do this several times to get it to work.

  6. Thanks for all the comments; like everyone of them.
