Sunday, October 28, 2012


We all know winter is on its way and I've heard lots of opinions of what winter will be and our opinions are probably as good as the weather man's, but would you like a opinion from an expert? I talked to a bear the other day(yes, I talk to all the animals) and he did give me some advice for winter, no matter what it's like.
First of all, he said to spend this fall eating. Eat a lot because fat is required to keep you warm.
Next, hibernate all winter long. Yes, sleep, sleep, sleep. In case you should wake up, keep eating.
Drink a lot of water. It will help you sleep.
He also said, "Be grumpy if you want to." Ok, I made that up. He was a brown bear, not a grizzly and he didn't mention my disposition.
He said, "Make lots of quilts to keep you warm." Ok, he really said to find a cave that has lots of leaves in it to keep you warm, but I don't like leaves in my caves, so I'm going with the quilts.
He did say, "When it's time, bounce out with spring."


  1. A delightful, whimsical story that had me smiling! Yes, that is exactly what Mr. Bear would say, and I wholeheartedly agree! Now to convince my boss to continue direct deposit of my paychecks into the bank while I stay home and eat and spend a lot of time sleeping (and blogging) under nice warm quilts....mmmm, sounds lovely! I could happily live like that, I like your bear a lot! :-)

  2. Kay, please send your email address to me at There's something I'd like to share with you off-blog. Thanks! Josie :-)
