Sunday, January 3, 2010

How Cold Is It?

You know it is cold when you throw water up in the air, and the icicles are still hanging there.

You know it's cold when you see a log chain roll under a tarp.

You know it's cold when you fry an egg and it freezes in the skillet.

You know it's cold when your hand sticks to the pump handle and you have gloves on.

You know it's cold when your nose gets frost bit when it's sticking out from under the covers.

You know it's cold when a turkey flies down from the tree and his tracks are frozen in mid-air.

You know it's cold when you turn on the shower and ice pellets come out.

You know it's cold when you bring in wood with hibernating lady bugs on it and when you toss it in the fire, they dance with glee.

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